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Job Management Software

Cloud Based Work Order Management Solution

A complete cloud based work order management system, Connect provides a comprehensive range of capabilities via a fully integrated solution. This empowers organisations with enhanced levels of control and visibility surrounding all aspects of job management.

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Better Control Costs

Closely monitor operational costs, enabling you to manage assets, better control contractors, invoice quicker and maximise the efficiency of service delivery.

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Improve Workforce Productivity

By better managing items of work, eliminating admin and removing non-productive time, your staff provide a more proactive service.

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Visibility of Performance

Live insights that provide key performance data enables management to ensure that all compliance standards are being met, providing a basis for continuous improvement.

Self Contained & Configurable Work Order Management

Connect provides users with a diverse range of job management capabilities through one, fully integrated solution. Completely SaaS  based, users can experience all the benefits of the cloud, such as limited upkeep and regular updates, via one system that offers a modern, seamless user experience.

By offering a fully customisable solution and an accompanying training programme, organisations can easily design the solution to align with the various steps within their established processes. This ensures that the system complements existing working practices and delivers immediate value, while providing the ability to amend the solution as required by any changes to working practices.

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Materials Management & Supply Chain Integration

As operatives progress through their working day, Connect provides full visibility of all the material that are being used, enhancing their stock management processes. With regular cycle count, field workers are encouraged to check and record their stock levels via the solution, which enables organisations to undertake frequent and accurate stock counts, while also gaining visibility of any discrepancies.

By providing full integration to all major suppliers, Connect can automatically order materials based on usage. This integration enables the system to automatically raise and send purchase orders to the supplier and track when they have been collected, driving improvements in the management of van stocks and streamlining the replenishment process.

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Sub Contractor Management

It’s common, particularly with larger or more complex jobs, that an amount of work is pushed out to sub contractors. Connect provides organisations with the ability to better manage this. A highlight of the system, jobs that are pushed to sub contractors have all costs approved upfront while preventing additional charges unless further approvals or variation requests have been signed off. This ensures a more accurate processes surrounding cost controls.

With a range of options available, subcontractors can either be provided with a specific sub contractor app, or Connect can integrate with the appropriates sub contractor’s system to provide complete visibility and control over the status and cost of sub contractor work.

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Stock and Asset Management

Traditionally two disparate systems, Connect enables organisations to implement a seamless process between asset management and work order management. With the ability to store all relevant asset information, Connect automatically creates jobs as required, before issuing them to the field operative and then updating the asset information once the work is complete.

This fully integrated and seamless process enables organisations to ensure compliance as all assets are managed and serviced in the appropriate timeframes. It can also enforce that organisations adhere to various regulatory standards (such as Decent Homes) and provide the information that is needed to evidence stock condition.

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Project and Complex Use Case Management

Used for larger pieces of work and full project, Connect enables organisations to introduce process steps that act as milestones than offers the ability to better track more complex pieces of work. By breaking large and complex work into multiple steps organisation have enhanced visibility of the overall status of the job and take appropriate actions as required.

With the completion of each step driving a status update, providers can align status updates to a particular time constraint. The progression of work against this time constraint can then be tracked. This means if a delay on a particular step in the project is putting the wider job at risk, is can escalated and addressed to ensure the entire project is progressing at the required rate.

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Remote Assistance

Providing customers, and where appropriate field operatives, with additional support, the remote assistance feature in Connect enables customers and an office based technical support officer to share a video stream. This enables the customer to share exactly what they are looking at with a support officer, who can then either triage the job, or for simple fixes, offer advice on actions the customer should take.

The ability to provide remote support via video, enables organisations to reduce unnecessary visits where possible and where a visit is required, first time fix rates are improved as there is a greater understanding of what is required. In addition to this all information related to the call is recorded and stored, providing the ability to evidence various details at a later date if required.

Learn More About Remote Assist