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Improving the delivery of

Reablement Care

A complete care management solution that ensures full visibility over service capacity, enabling efficient creation of care and reablement plans that effectively manage the entire service delivery process.

Improving The Delivery

of Reablement Services

Totalmobile’s Reablement solution empowers reablement service providers to tackle some of their biggest challenges, enhance service quality and experience a fantastic ROI.


Hear first-hand what our customers have to say about our care product below.


Optimised Care

Better utilisation of existing workforce capacity.

Dynamic Care

Rapidly confirm the ability to handle new service users.

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Precise Care

Improving care quality with better visibility of care requirements.

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Uninterrupted Care

Improved continuity of care services.

Empowered Care

Providing carers with improved ways of working.

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Transparent Care

Visibility and evidence of the effectiveness of delivered care.

Fife Council logo

7 years

of successful deployment, elevating care service quality.

Fife Council implemented Totalmobile’s CareLink platform for over 900 home carers across 31 local areas, focusing on transforming care through cutting-edge mobile technology.

View Case Study
Mobile care worker lifting prescription bag from car rear opening.

Capabilities That Transform the Delivery of Service

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Mobile Working & Care Schedules

Providing complete information on care requirements, ensuring the right care is provided at the right time by the right person with real-time record keeping.

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Dynamic Scheduling

Maximise the value of your available workforce. Enable your teams to achieve complex scheduling goals with a highly considering demand, time, location, availability and service levels.

Capacity Checker

Assess new referrals’ impact on capacity and service provision. This enables your teams to make informed decisions before taking on new service users.

Workforce Rostering

A highly configurable rostering solution that aligns your shift patterns, rotas and rosters to fluctuating demand and employee availability.

Want to find out more about our reablement services?

Our solution enhances reablement service delivery by addressing current system gaps. Support staff often lack care plan visibility and access to vital service user information at the point of care. This is due to back office system disconnects or systems not communicating, hindering knowledge sharing.

Our solution seamlessly integrates all recorded information, leveraging mobile workforce management and scheduling capabilities to streamline visit scheduling and delivery. It grants staff comprehensive access to records and support plans via one system, facilitating quality patient-centred care.

Get in touch with us today to find out more about our reablement services.

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A Complete Care Management Solution for Reablement Services

Totalmobile provides an end-to-end solution with intuitive and responsive real-time support monitoring and planning capabilities. It allows you to maintain service users, set up schedules for their support plan, regularly assess for goal planning and check capacity for onboarding new service users. Download our brochure today to learn more about our care management solution.